Elecraft CW Net Announcement

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Elecraft CW Net Announcement

Good Evening,
    Imagine you are driving on a gravel road during a cloudy day. You
come around a corner and see perfectly round spots of wet gravel
surrounded by dry gravel everywhere else. A few weeks later you drive
around that same corner on another gray day. This time the gravel is wet
but there are circular cutouts of dry gravel. Both conditions are not
uncommon here in the Pacific Northwest. What you saw in the first case
was caused by the fir trees capturing the water from the clouds and
dripping it unto their roots. The second case was just after it had
started raining. The gravel got wet in the normal fashion but the fir
trees once again captured the water. Only this time they had not
released it yet. I live either near a temperate rain forest or in it.
Odd things happen.
    The sun actually has a very tiny spot on it.  First in a long time. 
However, it is not something which is going to rattle the heavens.  The
ionosphere is getting fed by the solar wind, as always, it's just not
very windy these days.  But that is no reason not to get on the air.  It
is not really outdoor weather yet with the snow still on the ground
melting.  So warm up your rigs and call me.

Please join us tomorrow on:

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
   7045 kHz at 0000z Monday (5 PM PDT Sunday)

Kevin. KD5ONS

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