Elecraft CW Net Announcement

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Elecraft CW Net Announcement

Good Evening,

    I got to watch a logger fall a very large tree exactly where he said
it would land.  He laid it down between two long rows of trees with only
a few live limbs broken.  After he left I got out my long tape and a
shorter one just in case.  Laying down made it much easier to measure. 
At 120 feet I wasn't sure which was one tree and which trunk was from
another.  The stump measures 44 inches in diameter.  I limbed it up to
about 80 feet before I tried bucking it.  Lower than that will take
multiple cuts from my 20 inch saw to free each round.

    My antenna tree had 60 very good years before it died a sudden
death.  Each growth ring was between 1/4 and 3/8 of an inch in width
until its last few years.  I have yet to find any damage consistent with
its passing.  Now I have one very large chunk of wood blocking the deer
paths.  If it is all seasoned it would heat the house for a full
winter.  It's been dead for over two years but the lower part may still
be a bit too green to burn.  Luckily there are plenty of other trees
ready to go.

    It took a few hours of placing and replacing a line but finally I
got one which worked.  I checked the old antenna and found it intact so
I raised it back into place.  One leg got tangled so I had to pull it,
unwrap it, and the put it back into position.  While taking down both
antennas I found better routes and replaced each of three legs higher
than they were before.  The fourth leg went back to pretty much the same
place as before. Scanning 80, 40, and 20 meters gathered a few calls
around the US, a few in Canada, and few in Eastern Europe.

Please join us on:

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
   7047 kHz at 0000z Monday (5 PM PDT Sunday)

       Kevin. KD5ONS


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