Elecraft CW Net Announcement

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Elecraft CW Net Announcement

Good Evening,

    The wind switched direction on Tuesday to come out of the east. 
Within an hour I could see the smoke flowing through the trees.  Then
ash started falling.  Luckily the smoke did not smell like a local
fire.  It was from a fire in the Gifford Pinchot Forest in Washington. 
The power went out just after dinner and stayed off until dawn.  Same
thing on Wednesday but the smoke stream would flow north of me for a
while.  But the power went out again for the night and back on again at
dawn.  While I was busy up here, four large fires started along the west
side of the Cascade Range.  Then the wind stopped blowing and the
Willamette Valley filled with smoke.  By Thursday the west half of the
state was solid smoke.  On Friday all of Oregon, all of California, and
half of Washington was solid smoke.  The fires aren't close but they are
very large.  Rain on Tuesday will make a big difference.

   The smoke is dense enough to interfere with my wireless 'net
connection to the top of the mountain.  Last night I watched movies
across my local network instead of streaming one from the 'net.  It
slowed to where it was hard to send email.  Here is a link to a GIS map
you can set for hot spots and fire updates.  It gives you a feel for the
activity level of each of the fires.


Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
  7047 kHz at 0045z Monday (5:45 PM PDT Sunday)

       Kevin. KD5ONS


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