Elecraft CW Net Announcement

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Elecraft CW Net Announcement

Good Evening,

    I took a walk today to find more wood.  After two weeks of rain the
sunny weather coaxed out quite a few mushrooms.  The chanterelle
population was high before the thinning.  I thought it would take a few
more years before they came back.  The slash is rotting into the soil
with many mushrooms pushing through.

    The rain also cleaned the slate of tracks.  I found the latest elk
paths while walking to my NW corner post.  It will take more rain before
the intermittent stream there starts flowing.  Cedar like keeping their
roots moist so they enjoy the channel.

    SFU at 77.  It has been quite some time since it was this high. 
Sunspot 2776 is not threatening, but rather, crackling with solar
flares.  QSB will be interesting tomorrow.  It will be a fun test.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
  7047 kHz at 0045z Monday (5:45 PM PDT Sunday)

       Kevin. KD5ONS


[About Zim's attack on his home planet:]

Zim: I put the fires out.

Almighty Tallest Red: You made them worse!

Zim: Worse...or better?

Almighty Tallest Red: You will be sent to a planet so mysterious, no one
has even heard of it!

Almighty Tallest Purple: Right! And those who have heard of it dare not
speak it's name!

Zim: What's it's name?

Almighty Tallest Purple: Oh, I dare not speak it!

Zim: I'm an unstoppable death machine you know.

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