I am feeling a bit under the weather but running the net does lift my
spirits :)
On 14050 kHz the band was pretty good with two way QSB. The East Coast
was a bit tougher than normal to pull out.
The list:
N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - 008
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031
K2HYD - Ray - VA - KX1 - 608
K3WW - Chas - PA - K2 - 566
W6KY/M - Art - CA - ? - not sure about the mobile rig so I will not
VE3XL - Ric - ON - K1 - 968
KI8JM - Bob - OH - K2 - 3630
AA4NN - Joe - in LA - K2 - 3751
W0NTA - Dick - CO - with old faithful K2 - 3900
N0KM - Dave - CO - K2 - 3975 with 10 watts and a Vertical Ant.
N2YC - John - NY - KX1 - 336
N2EAB - Mike - NY - KX1 - 842
KA3WMJ - Ken - PA - K2 - 697
I heard two KX1 sigs at or very nearly below the ESP level. The band was
quiet and my location is most definitely noise free so I could copy John
down into the dips. Mike was a bit more sketchy but I got his call as Tom
was digging him out. Ray in VA was not a problem. The QSB made copy a
bit more fun though :)
Sorry for flubbing on my paddles. I am happy I can sit up feeling the way
I do. See you on 40 meters where I will lean far more heavily on others.
Until either ECN/2 or next week,
Kevin. KD5ONS (Net Control Operator 5th Class and holding :)
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