Elecraft CW Net Report for 40 meters 13th of September 2004

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Elecraft CW Net Report for 40 meters 13th of September 2004

Kevin Rock
Fourty Meters was a bit noisier than 20 meters this evening but that just
made things a bit more interesting.  No relays to help but I think I
picked up most everyone calling.  Some were even using marginal antennas.  
You may remain nameless if you wish :)  I am not sure if running a net is
supposed to be this much fun.  Every week the bands are getting a bit
better and I am starting to get the hang of using CW.  The net seems to be
less stressful and I get to meet more folks.  Maybe I am doing something
right.  Who knows?  I just seem to get a kick out of it and people seem to
keep coming back again.  Hmmm ... must be the rigs :)

The list for 7045 kHz:
W6KY - Art - CA - K1 - 141
K7TQ - Randy - ID - K2 - 213
N9IV - Russ - IN - KX1 - 742
AA0NI - Dan - OK - K2 - 3421
N7NLU - Karl - OR - got to chatting about honey do lists and missed asking
about your rig :)
N2YC - John - NY - KX1 - 336
AA4NN - Joe - SC - K2 - 3751    Great copy Joe :)
W8YMO - Harry - OH - K2 - 1202
AA5CK - Ted - OK - K1 - 1226
W6ZOH - Floyd - ID - non Elecraft ?

As always the errors are mine.  Please report any of them to me so I can
beat myself and then fix them.  Errors of omission mostly.  I just keep
forgetting to ask things.  KI0MZ and N7NLU both got away without me asking
for a SN.  W0NTA makes so many Elecraft rigs I need to stay on my toes
because he keeps checking in new ones all the time.  Must be like peanuts
I guess :)

Stay well folks and don't work this hard during the coming week,
        Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)
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Re: Elecraft CW Net Report for 40 meters 13th of September 2004

Art - W6KY
Hey Kevin,
I found out why I was weaker than usual. I was Mobile, in motion, with
an outbacker on the trunk lip mount. Well usually that Diamond mount
has a little 2 ft 2 meter Hamstick. The big Outbacker with 70 MPH of
windload caused it to ratchet down to horzintal. It was sticking straight
out the back of the car. I didn't know this and managed to check in
with the K1 - 5 watts, and a vertical laying down on the trunk of the car.
So log me in as W6KY/M/QRP/NA    (NA = No Antenna)
73, Art   W6KY  K1-2  K1-4

Kevin Rock <[hidden email]> wrote:
Fourty Meters was a bit noisier than 20 meters this evening but that just
made things a bit more interesting. No relays to help but I think I
picked up most everyone calling. Some were even using marginal antennas.
You may remain nameless if you wish :) I am not sure if running a net is
supposed to be this much fun. Every week the bands are getting a bit
better and I am starting to get the hang of using CW. The net seems to be
less stressful and I get to meet more folks. Maybe I am doing something
right. Who knows? I just seem to get a kick out of it and people seem to
keep coming back again. Hmmm ... must be the rigs :)

The list for 7045 kHz:
W6KY - Art - CA - K1 - 141
K7TQ - Randy - ID - K2 - 213
N9IV - Russ - IN - KX1 - 742
AA0NI - Dan - OK - K2 - 3421
N7NLU - Karl - OR - got to chatting about honey do lists and missed asking
about your rig :)
N2YC - John - NY - KX1 - 336
AA4NN - Joe - SC - K2 - 3751 Great copy Joe :)
W8YMO - Harry - OH - K2 - 1202
AA5CK - Ted - OK - K1 - 1226
W6ZOH - Floyd - ID - non Elecraft ?

As always the errors are mine. Please report any of them to me so I can
beat myself and then fix them. Errors of omission mostly. I just keep
forgetting to ask things. KI0MZ and N7NLU both got away without me asking
for a SN. W0NTA makes so many Elecraft rigs I need to stay on my toes
because he keeps checking in new ones all the time. Must be like peanuts
I guess :)

Stay well folks and don't work this hard during the coming week,
Kevin. KD5ONS (Net Control Operator 5th Class)

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