Elecraft CW Net Report for Aug 29th, 2004

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Elecraft CW Net Report for Aug 29th, 2004

Kevin Rock
ECN/1 was held on 14051 kHz this evening.  Starting at 2253z Ken called me
while I was establishing a presence amoungst the piggies.  Quite a lot of
those out there for their Run for the Bacon.  Too bad they schedule it for
ECN/1's time slot or I would exercise my prerogative as FP # 765.  One of
these days I need to try my hand at one of these runs but lately dinner
has taken precedence!

The band was uncharacteristically noisy.  It was much like 40 meters.  But
Tom in Lousiana took the blame because he has all the storms.  I called
KD5PZO at her mother's house and found SC and NC are getting quite a bath
too.  13 inches of rain in 12 hours is a bit much.  It was tough to dig
some of you out tonight because with QRN and QSB some of you were coming
up to the noise level at times.  The last person I tried to check in only
got a few letters up to that signal strength.  I kept trying but my ears
could not drag out a call sign.

The list:
N4SO - Ken - AL - K2 - 3394
K1EV - Bill - CT - K2 - 2152
N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - 008
VE3XL - Ric - ON - K1 - 968
N2YC - John - NY - KX1 - 336
DL7AVC - Lutz - Berlin, Deuschland - K2 - 5358??     Late model rigs are
welcome too danke :)
K1PT - Paul - FL - K2 - 2186
VE1RGB - Gary - NS - K2 - 2519
NE5DL - Dave - FL - K1 - 817   I copied FLA when Bill asked your location.
K5VJZ - Tom - LA - K2 - 4279
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031
NK6A - Don - CA - KX1 - 656
W6KY - Art - CA - K1 - 141   Late but still welcome :)

Pretty good haul for these conditions.  Too bad the noise could not go
away for a bit and we could drag the weak signals out too.  We are going
to try to catch a few EU folks by calling around 0210z for Scotland and
points east.  Please be ready to relay any information you catch that we

Thank you for the fun.  As always errors corrected upon receipt.
        Kevin.   KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)

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