Elecraft CW Net Report for Aug 30th, 2004

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Elecraft CW Net Report for Aug 30th, 2004

Kevin Rock
ECN/2 was held on 7045 kHz after an abortive start on 7044 kHz.  The Run
for the Bacon was in full swing so we had number of Flying Pigs root us
up.  I guess I could have given them my pig number but they might have
gotten their snouts bent out of shape since I was running 100 watts :)  
Never can tell what wild porcine mischief they might come up with to fry
my bacon!

The QRN was a bit worse than on 20 meters but that is pretty normal for 40
meters this time of year.  Oh, Dave is not jetting back and forth across
the nation between nets!  He was not in Florida but in Texas for ECN/1.  I
will repair my notes.  He also decided to try checking in two Elecraft
rigs during one net.  Now I am going to have to fix the database to
demonstrate these types of occurrences :)

The list:
N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - 008
W6KY - Art - CA - K1 - 141  Now an official NCS of ECN
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031
KL7V/5 - Sam - OK - K2 - 3158
NE5DL - Dave - TX - K2 - 2887
W0NTA - Dick - CO - K2 - 3900
W4YN - Tim - NC - stray pig
AC0S - Colin - CO - K2 - 2833
NE5DL - Dave - TX - K1 - 817
WA7THK - Perry - MI - stray pig
K5VJZ - Tom - LA - K2 - 4279

Thanks go out to Tom and to Art for helping call the net this evening.  As
always any errors are mine and will be fixed upon report of an error.

Thank you all for stopping by on a noisy evening.  See you next week.
       Kevin.   KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)

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