Elecraft CW Net Report for February 21st, 2005

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Elecraft CW Net Report for February 21st, 2005

Kevin Rock
Good Evening All,
    At 0000z the 20 meter band fell silent.  Then, out of this silence
sprang the Elecraft CW Net.  Folks were not too tired to slow down from 40
wpm contesting speed to check in.  17 folks on the first net and 12 on the
second one.  The bands were not worn out but seemed quite good across the
continent.  Alaska to Florida and New York to California.  Pretty good
geographic spread.  K1s, K2s, and KX1s were represented as well as the odd
glow bug instrument.
    Ken, W0CZ, won the coldest town award and was going for two during the
second net.  12 degrees F is a bit chilly.  Palmer, Alaska and Greely,
Ontario, Canada could not beat that mark.  There was a bit of snow out
East but not too much for the folks in ND, PA, and IN to handle.  No
reports of snow or cold from Colorado though.  A few new faces and a lot
of familiar ones.  Nice mix all around.  But, on to the lists.

ECN/20 on 14050 kHz at 0000z:
N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - 008
W0NTA - Dick - CO - K2 - 3900
AA3WF - Mychael - PA - K2 - 1025
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031
WA2SI - Bert - NY - K1 - 1337   QNI #10   We tried to link you up with
AL7CW but no joy :(
K6DGW - Fred - CA - K2 - 4398
W7WEL - Bill - ID - K2 - 4001
N4SO - Ken - AL - K2 - 3394
N9IV - Russ - IN - K2 - 4650
AK2B - Tom - NY - K2 - 4482
VE3XL - Ric - ON - K1 - 968
K2HYD/4 - Ray - NC - KX1 - 608   QNI #20
W1TF - Ty - GA - K1 - 1423
KL7CW - Rick - AK - KX1 - 798
KD0RC - Len - CO - K2 - 2239
WA7BOC - Roger - WA - K2 - 755
N4GE - Jerry - TN - K2 - 1054

ECN/40 on 7046 kHz at 0300z:
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031
N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - 008
N4SO - Ken - AL - K2 - 3394
VE3XL - Ric - ON - K1 - 968
WA7BOC - Roger - WA - K2 - 755
W7SJ - Ron - MO - ? - ?
KO0K - Ben - OH - K2 - 3867
W4ULY - Jim - SC - K2 - 2184
WD4NKA - Gary - FL - glow bug??
AB9V - Mike - IN - K2 - 3993   QNI #20
W0SZ - Steve - IA - K2 - 88
KL7CW - Rick - AK - KX1 - 798

As always, any errors in the above lists are mine.  Please send any
corrections to me for posting and logging.  There may have been a few
folks missed.  For that I am sorry.  Next week we start afresh with new
propagation conditions and a new net.  Please stop by and tell us your
        Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)

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Re: Elecraft CW Net Report for February 21st, 2005

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Rock" <[hidden email]>
To: "Elecraft" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2005 11:58 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report for February 21st, 2005

> WA2SI - Bert - NY - K1 - 1337   QNI #10   We tried to link you up with
> (K?) AL7CW but no joy :(

Thanks Kevin, had the entire crew (XYL plus 4 & 7 yr. olds.) in Grandpa's
room so it was check-in and try to listen when humanly possible, hi.

If you read this, Rick; I'd appreciate it if you could drop me an e-mail.
Perhaps we could try a sked. I just worked LA3BG & HB9ATH FB cpy a few mins.
ago on 20 with 5 Watts...so "you gotta believe!" :-)

>        Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)

You're 1st Class in my book, Kev. Take care es...

Vy 73 de Bert
FISTS #9384
QRP ARCI #11782

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