Good evening,
First off I am sorry about one thing this evening. On twenty meters I had not checked the setting of my keyer. It was still set where I was running EQP, SOC, and all the other QSO parties going on this weekend. They were myriad. The keyer was set at 23 which means I was probably sailing along at 25 wpm or more on the first net this evening. I did not notice it until after the net was done. Seemed to be a bit fast but I forget once in a while. I hope I did not scare anyone away who was trying to check in for their first time. I did slow down my word speed to pace the check ins as I do regularly. I will put this on my check list for the next and subsequent sessions. I try to send at 20 wpm so folks who run more slowly are not put off by my CQs. Once again I apologize. Twenty meters was good. So good that I was hearing some local stations on it. N7NLU was great but on 40 meters he was pinning my ear drums. He tweaked his 100 watt amp and is testing its potential as well as my threshold of pain. But it was impetus for g me to get going on my 80 meter loop. WA7BOC and I worked each other easily on 80 during EQP so I vowed to get some rope and get the loop up. Somewhere after the two greenhouses get rebuilt though. We are in the midst of the earliest spring anyone can remember on this mountain in Oregon. Spring is almost six weeks early according to the locals. Our trilliums finally caught up with the daffodils. We started to feed the poor hummingbirds too. They are starting to nest! An 80 meter net will commence in the Pacific Northwest when I can mount that loop at the proper elevation. I want to try a diffent procedure for this one. Since we will all be more or less local to one another (ID, WA, OR, UT, NV, CA) I think a round robin net would work. NCS calls for check ins, creates a list, and then each person gets their say in order. Once the rotation gets back to the NCS another call is made and the new ones get put at the end of the list. Folks leave the net when they are done but the rotation continues for a few cycles. It is fun since folks ask questions of the others around the circle so you need to take notes, answer questions, then ask a few of your own when it is your turn. We could exchange states and serial numbers plus the NCS is not working so much. Since 80 meters is regional in nature we could try a number of these around the continent. Comments? Please email me so we can get them all written in one spot. I'll post the results after a while and promise to get some rope for my loop. Forty meters was noisy as usual but we worked a few folks around the country. Colorado seemed to be in the preferred location. I got plenty of check ins from the state and most of them were running QRP. Some kind of ducting I guess ;) We did work N0SS/M from somewhere in Texas on twenty. Be careful Tom, folks in that state are a bit different. I know I lived in Houston for a while and somehow wound up in El Paso for a spell. Keep your eyes open! Seems like there was a bit of snow and cold in the North and East but there was also some in Colorado. I am not sure if they could handle the 75 degree weather we've been having in WA and OR :) I did get a few comments about winter being either too cold or too long though. Keep the fires burning in your shanties and keep your stick on the ice! On 14050 kHz at 0000z: AA3WF - Mychael - PA - K2 - 1025 W0NTA - Dick - CO - K2 - 3900 N9IV - Russ - IN - K2 - 4650 N0SS/M - Tom - TX - K2? - oo8 I'm guessing here Tom. W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031 K2HYD - Ray - VA - KX1 - 608 W0SZ - Steve - CO - K2 - 88 QNI #10 N0SXX - Gary - CO - trying for a sked with his bud when he stumbles upon us :) KD0RC - Len - CO - K2 - 2239 W0QQS - Bruce - MN - K2 - 3646 K6DGW - Fred - CA - K2 - 4398 I almost got you tonight. You are invited to the 80 m net when it starts, promise!! AB9V - Mike - IN - K2 - 3993 N4GE - Jerry - TN - K2 - 1054 N7NLU - Karl - OR - K2 - 4227 On 7045 kHz at 0257z: N7NLU - Karl - OR - K2 - 4227 VE3XL - Ric - ON - K1 - 968 K7MW - Rick - WA - K2 - 1653 N9IV - Russ - IN - K2 - 4650 N0TK - Dan - CO - K2 - 3652 QNI #5 WA7BOC - Roger - WA - K2 - 755 WA2DKG - Jerry - NY - K2 - 2549 KO0K - Ben - OH - K2 - 3867 QNI #5 W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031 W0NTA - Dick - CO - K2 - 3900 QNI #50!!! As always any errors in the above list will be posted upon receipt of the correct data. If I missed you this week I am sorry. We did try to dig deeper but that does not always work. Please try again next week and we will give it another shot. Thank you and 73, Kevin. KD5ONS (Net Control Operator 5th Class) Who is getting yelled at to come eat some strawberry rhubarb pie ;) KJR -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. 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