Elecraft CW Net Report for October 10th, 2004

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Elecraft CW Net Report for October 10th, 2004

Kevin Rock
Thanks to help from Bill, Tom, and from the wilds of Nova Scotia: Gary we
achieved a very good number of check ins.  The band was quiet and the help
was able.  Thank you very much.  We got a few new faces on 20 meters
(14049.5 kHz) and welcomed back a number of regulars.  Ric was caught
using on non-Elecraft rig but came up with the standard, "I just painted
my house" excuse.  Good move Ric :)  Bruce wins the "Make Kevin homesick"
award for his, "Fall has arrived in MN.  Changing colors galore."  My
brother keeps bugging me so I may be in Southern Wisconsin soon.  Then I
too can smell Fall :)

N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - 008            Sorry for the shutout Tom :(  QNI
AA3WF - Mychael - PA - K2 - 1025
W0NTA - Dick - CO - K1 - 446          another rig from his fine remuda :)
KI8JM - Bob - OH - K2 - 3630
NE5DL - Dave - TX - K2 - 2887
K3WW - Chas - PA - K2 - 566
W0QQS - Bruce - MN - K2 - 3646        Thanks for the tree report!
VE1RGB - Gary - NS - K2 - 2519
K1EV - Bill - CT - K2 - 2152          QNI #40!
K0JEM - Joel - KS - K1 - 1400
K6DGW - Fred - CA - K2 - 4298         Welcome to ECN Fred.
VE3XL - Ric - ON - Ten Tec Omni (?)   The K1 must be sad :(
K2HYD - Ray - VA - KX1 - 608          QNI #10
W1TF - Ty - GA - K1 - 1423            Welcome to ECN Ty via a relay from
Gary in NS!

Welcome to Fred and Ty and welcome back to all the rest of you.  Thanks a
lot, this net is getting to be an old friend.  Or as my mom would say,
"It's like an old sock".  Miss her.  Truly has gotten to be a great way to
end the weekend by talking with my friends across the continent (and
sometimes the world).

As always any errors will be corrected and posted for all.

    Kevin.   KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)
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