Elecraft CW Net Report for October 11th, 2004

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Elecraft CW Net Report for October 11th, 2004

Kevin Rock
    40 meters was a bit more difficult than was the 20 meter net.  First I
had to pass off control early since I had tuned on the wrong antenna :(  
Tom worked away through the Heartland logging folks from ND, PA, TN, KY
then branched off to FL.  He ran the well dry I thought and then Bruce
showed up and left almost as quickly.  40 meters went long at that point.  
I started losing Tom and the others but they would show back up in waves.

    When Daylight Savings time ends and regular time commences we switch
net times.  That will help 40 meters (I think) but 20 meters my lose some
of its zip.  Hopefully I will get a NS antenna on 40 meters so I can
regain the WA and CA folk as well as my next door neighbors on the West
Hills of Portland.

The list:
N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - 008
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031
K3WW - Chas - PA - K2 - 566
K4YYX - Randy - TN - K2 - 555
AI4BJ - Mark - KY - K2 - 3862
AG4NN - Larry - FL - K2 - 2529
W0QQS - Bruce - MN - K2 - 3646

Thank you all for your support.  Hope to see you all again along with a
few new folks.  I like watching the serial numbers grow in each of the
various categories.  I have K2 #2511 thus I am approximately in the middle
of the series.  The KX1s will soon pass 1000 and the K1s move into the
2000 range.  Great rigs with good ears and distinctive voices.  It is fun
to hear a pile up of them calling :)

     Kevin.   KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)
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