Elecraft CW Net Report for October 23/24, 2004

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Elecraft CW Net Report for October 23/24, 2004

Kevin Rock
Good evening folks,
    The Elecraft nets for this evening were interesting to say the least
:)  The first one was getting called by rabid FISTs members asking for
numbers and I had lots of pileups to dig out.  XL came through loud and
clear so I think Ric is a seasoned veteran of breaking a pile up!  His
timing landed him a QNI with his trusty K1 from Ontario.  Great weather
around the continent too.  Just not here.  The snow is down to 2300 feet
on Mt St Helens and our greenhouse is put away for the winter.

On to the lists.

On 14050 kHz:
AL7N - Ed - AK - nonE
W1WCG - Van - CT - K2 - 2634
W6JD - Doug - CA - K2 - 1626
W0EB - Jim - KS - K2 - 4338
WD8JOL - Parker - OH - 2636
KA4FRH - Fran - MA - K2 - 314
VE1RGB - Gary - NS - K2 - 2519
K6IA - Ward - CA - K2 - 3268
VE3XL - Ric - ON - K1 - 968
VE7EJS - Steve - ON  (Ric's Brother visiting from BC)
K6DGW - Fred - CA - K2 - 4398
NE5DL - David - TX - K2 - 2887
K2HYD - Ray - VA - KX1 - 608
W3/MW0IDX - Roger - MD - KX1 - 416  (visiting from Wales)
KI8JM - Bob - OH - K2 - 3630
W1TF - Ralph - GA - K1 - 1423

On 7045.25 kHz:
N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - 008
W0NTA - Dick - CO - KX1 - 281 or 209 I forgot to ask WHICH KX1  Not many
people have two of everything!
N7NLU - Karl - OR - K2 - 4227
NM6E - Javier - CA - K2 - 4409
WU5X - Jim - AR - K2 - 3440
W3/MW0IDX - Roger - MD - KX1 - 416  (heard you on 20 but not at all on 40)
AA0NI - Daniel - OK - K2 - 3421
AA3WF - Mychael - PA - K2 - 1025
WA7BOC - Roger - WA - K2 - 755
KG6HAF - Ward - CA - K2 - 3587
N2EAB - Mike - NY - K2 - 2118
KC8VJD - Herman - OH  - nonE

Lots of new folks and lots of regulars with a few flashes from the past.  
We passed the 1000 QNI this evening.  It keeps getting more fun as time
goes by.  Welcome to the new folks and welcome back to the previous

Pat is bugging me to sit down and vote with her so I must run.  We vote by
mail in Oregon and have had our ballots for four days now.  She is getting
ansy to send these off because we've both been working long hours.  I
worked the 5 PM to 3 AM shift last week so we haven't had time previously
to get this done.  Thus if there are any mistakes in this list I will most
assuredly fix them.  Maybe not tomorrow but when I get some time.  Please
be kind :)
       Kevin.   KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)
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