Elecraft CW Net Report for October 4th, 2004

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Elecraft CW Net Report for October 4th, 2004

Kevin Rock
QSB was still around but it was joined by QRN too :)  There were a few
pileups during the net but Tom and I straightened them out and got quite a
number of check ins.  The 31 QNI total for this evening is a new record.  
Many of those KX1s but we also got atwo Norcal rigs.  Seems like Dick,
W0NTA, has been building Wayne's designs for a number of years.  I have
Norcal 20 in my notes but I must have made an error since I thought they
were named by band.  But I may be mistaken about the nomenclature.  It
will not be the first time I've made an error :)

    The list:
W0NTA - Dick - CO - Norcal 20 ?  (Norcal 40 ?)
N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - 008
WA7BOC - Roger - WA - K2 - 755
K3WW - Chas - PA - K2 - 566
W0NTA - Dick - CO - K2 - 3900
N0TK - Daniel - CO - K2 - 3652
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031
W7PQ - Blake - UT - K2 - 4364
Ko0K - Ben - OH - K1 - 1407
WA2SI - Bert - NY - Norcal 40A
N2YC - John - NY - KX1 - 336
W7SNH - Den - WA - KX1 - 841   Your signal went from S9-S3 for me
AK2B - Tom - NYC - KX1 - 685
AA4NN - Joe - in LA - K2 - 3751
WB9JTK - Alan - FL - KX1 - 861
W9OY - Lee - FL - K1 - 474
W4CCU - David - FL - FT1KMP (Yaesu ??)
AA5CK - Ted - OK - K2 - 4376

Thank you for your support.  If there are any errors please send
corrections and I will both post them and include them in the database.  
FYI 930 QNI from 236 folks.  171 folks have provided serial numbers and
some more than one for a total of 179 SN.  We still need five states : DE,
NE, SD, VT and WY.

Hope to see you all again next week.
       Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Station 5th Class and fading)

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