Elecraft CW Net Report for September 27th, 2004

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Elecraft CW Net Report for September 27th, 2004

Kevin Rock
Another fine net was held on 7045 kHz at 0200z.  Signals were pretty good
and I got QNI from all over.  Some areas are a bit stronger than others
but that's the nature of the beast.  Fun chatting with you all.  Looks
like Russ has very fine weather but I cannot compare his to what you folks
in CA get every day.  Being an upstanding Midwesterner I know what a good
Autumn day is like.  Three fine seasons in Wisconsin: Autumn, Winter (my
special favorite), and Spring.  Then there is the other season when we go
visit other states!  I made far too much hay as a kid to want to stay
there during the Summer!  Do miss those dairy farms however :(

On to the list before I get maudlin:

N9IV - Russ - IN - KX1 - 742
WA7BOC - Roger - WA - K2 - 755
KL7V - Sam - OK - K2 - 3158
WA2SI - Bert - NY - K1 - 1337
W6KY - Art - CA - K1 - 141
N6JW - John - CA - K2 - 3290
VE6LCA - Charlie - Alberta, CA - Icom 720
N7NLU - Karl - OR - K2 - 4227

As usual errors corrected upon receipt.  Thank you for joining us and
checking out the propagation.  I hope to see (hear) you all again next

    Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)

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Re: Elecraft CW Net Report for September 27th, 2004

Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy-2
Hi Kevin,
Was in class at 0200Z but only heard the occasional "burst" at noise level
S1 on 7045 kHz using single halfwave vertical. Couple of Stateside (East
Coast) guys in QSO near 7040 kHz. Made a few calls on ECN frequency just in
case. Even the S.American ssb QRM was absent. Will keep trying when awake at
that unholy hour !
Geoff    GM4ESD

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Rock" <[hidden email]>
To: "Elecraft" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2004 3:59 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] Elecraft CW Net Report for September 27th, 2004

> Another fine net was held on 7045 kHz at 0200z.  Signals were pretty good
> and I got QNI from all over.  Some areas are a bit stronger than others
> but that's the nature of the beast.  Fun chatting with you all.  Looks
> like Russ has very fine weather but I cannot compare his to what you folks
> in CA get every day.  Being an upstanding Midwesterner I know what a good
> Autumn day is like.  Three fine seasons in Wisconsin: Autumn, Winter (my
> special favorite), and Spring.  Then there is the other season when we go
> visit other states!  I made far too much hay as a kid to want to stay
> there during the Summer!  Do miss those dairy farms however :(
> On to the list before I get maudlin:
> N9IV - Russ - IN - KX1 - 742
> WA7BOC - Roger - WA - K2 - 755
> KL7V - Sam - OK - K2 - 3158
> WA2SI - Bert - NY - K1 - 1337
> W6KY - Art - CA - K1 - 141
> N6JW - John - CA - K2 - 3290
> VE6LCA - Charlie - Alberta, CA - Icom 720
> N7NLU - Karl - OR - K2 - 4227
> As usual errors corrected upon receipt.  Thank you for joining us and
> checking out the propagation.  I hope to see (hear) you all again next
> week.
> 73,
>     Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)

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