Good Evening,
Twenty meters was loud. Filled both with noise and signals.
However, some of the noise was S6 while the signals were at S7. Ken
reported blizzard conditions with 15" of wet snow. Hopefully his roof
will last until the winds die down. Forty meters was less noisy but the
band was weaker. Once the rains abate I'll work on another antenna.
One which tunes on 160 meters. Currently I can hear some great signals
but cannot transmit due to high SWR. I've got to change that.
On 14050.5 kHz at 2200z:
W0CZ - Ken - ND
K6XK - Roy - IA
WS1L - Charles - MS
W1GAB - Thomas - MA
KC1ACL - Steven - NM
On 7074.08 kHz at 0000z:
W6JHB - Jim - CA
K0DTJ - Brian - CA
W0CZ - Ken - ND
Until next week stay well 73,
Kevin. KD5ONS
You’ll be mesmerized by the simple beauty of a grand-piano-shaped shadow
that somehow keeps getting bigger all around you.
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