Yes folks,
It is me again. I have a special request to make of the lucky few
Elecraft owners who live in either Delaware or South Dakota. Could you
please brush off your key or paddles and try checking in to my humble
net? I would appreciate it very much if you could knock the last two
states required off our WAS list. Then I will apply to Larry Makoski,
W2LJ, the Elecraft Awards Manager, for an Elecraft WAS certificate for the
Elecraft CW Net. It will be posted on Dan's web site along side our
Century Award. The serial number list has since grown to nearly 300 so
maybe we should apply for a stamp on the electronic certificate ;)
Once again: anyone from Delaware or South Dakota who likes CW and wants to
get on the air please join us!
Kevin. KD5ONS
Monday 0000z (Sunday 4pm PST) 14050 kHz
Monday 0300z (Sunday 7pm PST) 7045 kHz
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