Howdy ECN folks,
I did not notice last night but we gained another state toward the
Elecraft WAS award, WY. Only four more states: DE, NE, SD, and VT are
needed. If any of you are planning trips to or through any of those
states please consider checking in to one of the nets on Sunday. Once we
get those states I will apply for Elecraft WAS for the Elecraft CW Net. I
am not sure if we qualify for the Elecraft Rag Chewing award though. I
stay on the air with my Elecraft rig for an hour each twice on Sunday but
I work a number of folks. They each get their moment in the sun but I
chatter away like a magpie :) May have to negotiate for that one ;)
Take care and 73,
Kevin. KD5ONS
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