Elecraft Frequency Memory Editor and mysterious power on

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Elecraft Frequency Memory Editor and mysterious power on

Elecraft mailing list
Hi everyone,


Two questions:


1.  I've got a brand new KX3, and I'm having a bit of trouble with the "Read
All from Xcvr" option in the Elecraft Frequency Memory Editor hanging up.
With a good connection from my Win 10 laptop via USB to my KX3, here's where
it hangs:


Context.State: ReadMemory2State

Reading memory 00

ReadMemory2State send "ER0C0040B4;"

Calling ReadMemory2State.OnDataReceived after 184 msec with Response


I tried it with a completely empty memory, and then I also loaded a few
memory locations (1 and 2, but not 0).  I got the same error both times.
The loading of frequencies seems to work fine, but the reading is where I'm
having problems.  Additionally, I checked this with my KX2 and got the exact
same error.  Is it possibly because memory location 0 doesn't have anything
in it?  If I read just, say, memory location 2, it works fine.


Anyone else seen the same thing?


2.  The unit randomly powered on the first night I had it assembled and then
again today while I was at work (twice in a 48 hour period).  So basically I
woke up the first morning and the radio was on.  It wasn't connected to
anything (no USB, no external power).  Last night I went to sleep with it
off, connected to my laptop via USB, and plugged into a power supply.  In
the morning it was still off, but I came home at lunch to find it turned on.


At first I thought it might be the clock/alarm, although I've never turned
the alarm on.  The first night, I had the clock set to local time, so my
hypothesis was that it came on at midnight, the default time of the alarm.
Last night I set it to Zulu time, which would explain why it came on during
the morning (0900 my time is 0000Z) since I'm in Japan.  However, I don't
know the exact times it turned on.  To test my theory, I left the alarm
turned off, but reset the time to 2358.  I waited two minutes but the radio
didn't power on, so my hypothesis might not be right.  I thought for a
minute that some random command from the laptop could have woken up the
radio, but it wasn't connected to anything the first night.  Anyone else see
something like this?


-Brad Butler



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