Elecraft: K1 DX on 30m

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Elecraft: K1 DX on 30m


I've only been licensed a couple of years and don't have time to spend
searching for dx but I got a thrill the other day. The K1 is my only rig
and I've changed my multi dipole to a single end fed long wire 130ft long
at about 30 feet up using a home brew Z match tuner and 70 ft counterpoise.
This has given me my first opportunity to work 30m. Well I worked a station
in Maine USA using my 5 watts at about 18.00UTC and he was giving me 599.
He didn't seem to believe that I was running only 5W into a long wire
(neither did I!! quick reality check on power meter hi). OK he had a beam
but it turned out that it was only at 20 feet!  We QSO'd for at least 20
mins and my signal was just as strong when we finished. Is this typical for
a long wire antenna or was this a freak?

BTW I notice that when I'm tuning up with the Z match sometimes the K1
output drops and even though I find a match I have to switch the K1 off and
on again to get it to supply the set output level. Does it drop the output
due to high SWR? if so does it raise it again when SWR improves? it doesn't
seem to. It's not a big problem but I'm just curious.

Also is it worth working 160 m with this set up, if so I think I will build
a filter module for 160.

Thanks guys for all the help I get from this list it has been invaluable to
me in building up my rf experience.

K1 #1534

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