Elecraft K2 #1846 stolen

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Elecraft K2 #1846 stolen

Frank Nockemann
Hello Elecrafters,

in the night from  2004, October 2nd to 3rd the following
equipment was stolen from "Kreis-Jugendheim des
Lahn-Dill-Kreises" (a youth-hostel) in Heisterberg (nr
Fuchskaute JO40BP, a famous contest-qth nr Frankfurt/Main
in central germany) during am HAM-Education-Weekend
organized by the Education Committee of the German Amateur
Radio Club (DARC):

Elecraft K2 # 1846
QRP-version, with allmost all options, Heil-Mike, PALM
Mini-Paddle and finger-dimple
Trx was modified and repaired more than once, so i can
identify it even without the serialnumber-label on the
backside of the enclosure.
owner: Frank Nockemann, DH8DAP

Kennwood TS 450
owner: Nierstein-Oppenheim section of the DARC c/o Klaus
Kuhnt, DF3GU

PAN Power-Supply 13,8V, 20A
owner: Nierstein-Oppenheim section of the DARC c/o Klaus
Kuhnt, DF3GU

PAN Power-Supply 13,8V, 5A
owner: Reinhard Wilfert, DC8WV

and a

Liesegang Video-Beamer

Any Information will be welcome to my mailbox: dh8dap@da  

Mni tnx es 73 de DH8DAP, Frank from Schwelm nr Cologne,

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