Hi all,
I am reconfiguring a few radios and wanting to use an *existing* sound-card interface -
So, anyone using the Rigblaster Advantage with their K3 w/serial port or KX3 (I have both)?
(I did not see much at all on archives regarding use of the RB Advantage unit)
* Thus, I am looking for insight on performance, set-up tips, & potential problems, etc.
Here is what I have -
http://www.westmountainradio.com/product_info.php?products_id=rb_advThe kind folks at Elecraft have advised that CAT control should work, but to continue using my KUSB during K3 firmware updates (which I agree)
I am primarily interested in setting it up for the K3, but at some point may play with the KX3 as well.
Thanks, Bert - K4AR
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