Elecraft KX1 mini-log attaches to back cover

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Elecraft KX1 mini-log attaches to back cover

Ted Ellmore
         While I haven't tried this yet, I've considered mounting my KX1 to
a clipboard. You could cut a thin plate of material, say plexiglass,
Formica, sheet aluminum or whatever, using Wayne's mini-log sheet as a
template, (flipping it over before installing under the thumbscrews), and
allowing enough sticking out at the top for the clipboard clip to grab. You
would also need to either notch or drill a hole large enough to allow the
upper foot to pass through, and also install a filler strip(wood or other
material) under the upper edge to fill the remaining space between the
plate and the upper foot. In use, the lower feet could act as handy "hold
downs" for a paper log sheet that would be aligned to take advantage of the
nifty work light. Just thinking aloud.

Ted Ellmore (KF4VCP)
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