Elecraft KX3 Utility for OS X Revision

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Elecraft KX3 Utility for OS X Revision

can't get my iMac to KX3 (or KX3 won't respond, RX I/Q is on)

20:50:45 Elecraft KX3 Utility for OS X Revision
20:50:45 OS X Version 10.8.5 Mountain Lion
20:50:46 KX3 is not responding.
 using FTDIUSBSerialDriver_v2_2_18-2.dmg
 I'm trying to update KX3 firmware from 1.87 to 2.33

Any suggestions or help?  

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Re: Elecraft KX3 Utility for OS X Revision

Bill Frantz
Are you using the Elecraft USB to serial cable?

Can the utility find the serial port in the "Port" tab?

Is the plug all the way into the jack on the KX3?

Are you using the correct jack? (Getting desparte here.)

73 Bill AE6JV

On 5/17/15 at 8:24 PM, [hidden email] (KE0AFG via Elecraft) wrote:

> 20:50:45 Elecraft KX3 Utility for OS X Revision
> 20:50:45 OS X Version 10.8.5 Mountain Lion
> 20:50:46 KX3 is not responding.
>  using FTDIUSBSerialDriver_v2_2_18-2.dmg
>    D2XX0.1.7.dmg
>  I'm trying to update KX3 firmware from 1.87 to 2.33
> Any suggestions or help?  
Bill Frantz        | "I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn up the
408-356-8506       | intelligence.  There's a knob called "brightness", but
www.pwpconsult.com | it doesn't work. -- Gallagher

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Re: Elecraft KX3 Utility for OS X Revision

All is well...

I had to remove the batteries from the KX3 and perform a manual reload of the FW.  All good once that was done...

Thanks for replying.

Jim Bates
(804) 592-1068

On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 2:42 AM, Bill Frantz [via Elecraft] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Are you using the Elecraft USB to serial cable?

Can the utility find the serial port in the "Port" tab?

Is the plug all the way into the jack on the KX3?

Are you using the correct jack? (Getting desparte here.)

73 Bill AE6JV

On 5/17/15 at 8:24 PM, [hidden email] (KE0AFG via Elecraft) wrote:

> 20:50:45 Elecraft KX3 Utility for OS X Revision
> 20:50:45 OS X Version 10.8.5 Mountain Lion
> 20:50:46 KX3 is not responding.
>  using FTDIUSBSerialDriver_v2_2_18-2.dmg
>    D2XX0.1.7.dmg
>  I'm trying to update KX3 firmware from 1.87 to 2.33
> Any suggestions or help?  
Bill Frantz        | "I wish there was a knob on the TV to turn up the
408-356-8506       | intelligence.  There's a knob called "brightness", but
www.pwpconsult.com | it doesn't work. -- Gallagher

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(804) 592-1068
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Re: Elecraft KX3 Utility for OS X Revision

In reply to this post by Bill Frantz
Are you using the Elecraft USB to serial cable?  - yes, the KXUSB supplied with the radio

Can the utility find the serial port in the "Port" tab? - yes, it shows "usbserial-A703096P"

Is the plug all the way into the jack on the KX3? - tried several times, it appears ok.

Are you using the correct jack? (Getting desparte here.) - it worked previously.
   After selecting the usbserial port and trying "Test Communications" button - error msg "Connected device does not appear to be and Elecraft KX3"

went to page 25 of user manual, under "Forcing a Firmware Download", I did the following;

Forcing a Firmware Download
If you accidentally load an old or incompatible
firmware version and find the KX3 unresponsive,
do the following: (1) Unplug the KX3 from th
power supply. If internal batteries are installed, also
remove one battery. (2) Plug a power supply in (or
reinstall the removed battery). (3) hold the KX3’s
together for about 10 seconds, after which you’ll see the
(you’ll also see
on the LCD). (4)
Connect the KX3 to a computer and run
, which will load new firmware

now my KX3 has a flashing red TX light and "MCU LD" on the screen. How to I get it back to a working radio?


Terry, KE0AFG
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Re: Elecraft KX3 Utility for OS X Revision

Removed all batteries then replaced and the radio came back (FW rev 01.87). Tried connecting again, it seemed to work and tried to update the firmware but failed. Here are the logs;

Elecraft KX3 Utility for OS X Revision
KX3 MCU revision --.  RS232 speed 38400 bit/s.
Starting MCU firmware load
Verifying file "fmcu0233.hex"
"fmcu0233.hex" verification succeeded
Preparing KX3 for MCU firmware download
Send "LDM;"
Timer Elapsed 2000 ms
Send "D"
Response "D" 17 ms
Sending firmware file "fmcu0233.hex" to MCU
Response "" 17 ms
Response "" 5 ms
Response "" 6 ms
Response "l" 6 ms
Response "l" 6 ms
Click "Close" to close this window

11:04:15 Elecraft KX3 Utility for OS X Revision
11:04:15 OS X Version 10.8.5 Mountain Lion
11:04:15 KX3 boot loader is waiting for MCU firmware load.
11:04:15 New firmware is available for your KX3
11:04:35 OS X Version 10.8.5 Mountain Lion
11:04:35 Loading firmware from Macintosh HD:Users:terrylucius:Library:Application Support:Elecraft:KX3 Firmware:
11:04:36 MCU firmware file "fmcu0233.hex" verified
11:04:36 Preparing KX3 for MCU firmware download
11:04:36 Sending firmware file "fmcu0233.hex" to MCU
11:04:36 Regained synchronization with  after 1 bytes11:04:36 Regained synchronization with  after 1 bytes11:04:36 Regained synchronization with ~ after 1 bytes11:04:36 Regained synchronization with ~ after 1 bytes11:04:36 Regained synchronization with ~ after 1 bytes11:04:36 MCU Block write failed at address: 2048
11:04:36 MCU programming failed. Verify file source and revision.
11:04:36 Turn the KX3 off and back on, then re-try the download.
11:04:36 Total number of block retries was 5
11:04:36 Greatest number of retries for any block was 5
11:05:22 MCU firmware load failed
11:05:22 Elapsed time: 48 seconds
11:05:28 Connected device does not appear to be an Elecraft KX3
11:05:28 Ready

11:08:01 Connecting to ftp.elecraft.com. Please be patient, this takes a few seconds.
11:08:02 220 ProFTPD 1.3.2e Server (ftp.elecraft.com) []
11:08:02 USER anonymous
11:08:02 Send UserID
11:08:02 331 Anonymous login ok, send your complete email address as your password
11:08:02 PASS
11:08:02 Send Password
11:08:02 230 Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply
11:08:02 Connected to Elecraft server.
11:08:02 200 NOOP command successful.
11:08:02 CWD /KX3/firmware
11:08:02 Change directory to: /KX3/firmware
11:08:02 250 CWD command successful
11:08:02 Directory Change Complete.
11:08:02 200 NOOP command successful.
11:08:02 PASV
11:08:02 Passive Mode
11:08:03 227 Entering Passive Mode (63,249,121,93,201,237).
11:08:03 200 NOOP command successful.
11:08:03 PWD
11:08:03 Get working directory for
11:08:03 257 "/KX3/firmware" is the current directory
11:08:03 NLST
11:08:03 Get full directory list for /KX3/firmware
11:08:03 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
11:08:03 226-Transfer complete
11:08:03 226 Quotas off
11:08:03 200 NOOP command successful.
11:08:03 The file list has been transferred.
11:08:03 Your folder has the most recent KX3 firmware files from Elecraft.
11:08:03 QUIT
11:08:03 Send Logoff Command
11:08:07 221 Goodbye.
11:08:07 Ready
11:08:10 Connected device does not appear to be an Elecraft KX3
11:08:25 Connected device does not appear to be an Elecraft KX3
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Re: Elecraft KX3 Utility for OS X Revision

In reply to this post by Bill Frantz
Thanks Bill,

 Just double checked the "correct jack", that fixed it works fine now! I had a mini to micro adapter plugged in to the RX/IQ from when I was trying to get DSP Radio to work, switched the KXUSB cord to the ACC1 (as the manual clearly says to). At least I know all my drivers are up to date and I learned some UNIX commands.

73 Terry KE0AFG