Elecraft "MOJO"

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Elecraft "MOJO"

James T. "Jim" Rogers, W4ATK
        I was tuning across 17M on the other 25th and stumbled across a dx station
in a pile up. It took a while to decode the call, I am CW challenged, but it
was S5040A, (yep guys those are zeroes in there) Slovenia. Since I always
call QRP the first time I gave him one call. Bang!, right back he came with
a resounding, "W4ATK 5NN 5NN TU". My only antenna is a 180M inverted vee fed
with open wire, so I thought, "Yep, the mojo is workin'"
        I called my buddy down the street with a 100 watt, "high knob count per
dollar" rig and a 7 element super radiator at 110 feet and alerted him to
the Slovenian station. Took him three passes at getting a confirmation and
we were in the "sweet spot", this guy was "rolling in", but then I looked at
the recently calibrated S-meter on the K2. It was wiggling around S1.
        Now, that is MOJO! Everyone who comes by to "play" the K2 is struck by the
way stations leap out of the background noise. THAT is by design. Thanks
again Wayne and Eric.

73, W4ATK
K2 #4028

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