Elecraft Net Announcement

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Elecraft Net Announcement

Kevin Rock
Good Evening,
    This week has been very wet up here.  The heating season started a few
days ago and the fire feels quite nice.  It looks like Summer was over a
couple of weeks ago but we hope for a return.  I'd better get more wood
stacked in the shed.  My newest crop of ECOM students had their first
class this morning.  Looks like a good group.  I will be training them
over the next nine weeks.  Hopefully I can follow it with a CW class to
train a few more Generals into the ranks.  N0SS has given me a few
schematics which I will incorporate into my MCW over FM training.  
Interest is high.  A few asked about Elecraft kits too :)

Please join us for a little relaxing CW tomorrow on the Elecraft CW Net
held at:
Sunday 2300z (Sunday 4pm PDT) 14050 kHz
Monday 0200z (Sunday 7pm PDT)  7045 kHz

Please visit our web site: http://ecn.visionseer.com/ for further
details.  Thank you for the web space Dan.

All are welcome on ECN, Elecraft radios are not required.  Please listen
carefully since relay help may be requested.

Please stay warm and dry,
    Kevin.  KD5ONS (Net Control Operator 5th Class)
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OT: Sigma-40xk comments

Daniel Reynolds-2
I apologize for the off-topic nature of this posting.

Please reply to me _OFF LIST_ if you have a Sigma-40xk.

I'd like to hear about...
- your impressions
- how you have it mounted
- how well it has worked for QRP
- how easy/difficult it is to set up and change bands
- and if you have one for sale... let me know that too.

Also - how does it compare with other antennas you have.

I'm considering one for setting up temporarily as needed in the front yard (too
much metal + utility lines/noise in the back yard). I'm thinking about pounding
a steel pipe into the ground that it could slide down into. The house would be
about 20-30 ft away (is that too close?). Since it would receive mostly
evening/weekend use, my main bands would be 20/30/40m ('front porch' QRP

Thanks and 72/73!
- Daniel / AA0NI
Oklahoma City
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