Howdy Folks,
Very strange propagation today. I was told there was QSB but I heard
none. Signals were fairly weak but once in a while they just popped out
at me. KL0WN and VE1RGB just got their call signs recognized before they
disappeared. WB8UFA was also lost after the second contact. The oddest
thing was I got an AK and a few seconds later I got Nova Scotia.
The list for the afternoon net:
AL7N - Lake - AK - nonE
W7QHD - Kurt - AZ - K2/100 - 1538
WB8UFA - John - AZ - K1 - 1883
KL0WN - John - AK - K1 - 1456
VE1RGB - Gary - NS - K2 - 2519
I may have missed a signal but the propagation was so odd you may have
gone straight past me. Thank you one and all for checking in today. It
was quite interesting hopping across the country like we did.
Kevin. KD5ONS (Net Control Operator ?th Class)
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