This evenings ECN netted another two operators:
VE3XL - Ric - ON - K1 - 968
AA3WF - Mychael - PA - K2 - 1025
It was good to hear from both of them. I hadn't heard Mychael in quite
some time and it was very nice. Ric's K1 is doing well as always. He was
recovering from a fun FD. I hope you all got to use your Elecraft rigs
for FD this year. I know mine did a very fine job for me on 10, 15, 20,
40 and I am sure it would have worked on 80 meters if I would have stayed
up late enough :) I attacked FD with less vigour than some but had a good
time. I set a goal and doubled it. Maybe next year Ms Patricia and I
will staff a couple of rigs and work FD on the top of our mountain. She
may just find time in her busy schedule to get her General license and
work a little CW. If not she can always work SSB or AM. Nothing wrong
with that.
Please support the Elecraft CW Net in your part of the world. There is
one springing up around the North Sea and another in Southwest Asia. If
you want to start one in Australia, South America or in Africa be my
guest. If you want to ask questions or get some history either write me
( kevinr at ) or view for some
information. Some day we just may circle the globe with our nets.
If I missed you this evening I am sorry. The band was a bit noisy but
fairly good. But I am pretty sure a number of you are putting your
stations back together and getting some much needed rest after Field Day.
I hope you all met or exceeded your goals. Most of all I hope you had fun
and ate some good green chilies :)
Kevin. KD5ONS (Net Control Operator 5th Class)
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