(Elecraft) Newbie

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(Elecraft) Newbie

Robert C.Abell
Hi Larry,

May I recommend that if you add a linear amp. that you go for the
Elecraft KPA100 , it's a  very well engineered unit and positively works
beautifully with the K2. 100 wats is all you need, believe me. Put your
money into a good antenna.
I use a Cushcraft A3S Tribander @ 75 ft.for 20, 15, & 10 and a G5RV for
other bands (75, 40, & 17 mtrs.)
I have a Drake L-4B linear but haven't used it for years, it's just not

As for options I would get the KSB2, KAT100 and the  KNB2 (only if you
have a real noise problem). The KPA100 includes the RS-232 option. If
you opt to not add the KPA100 & KAT100 be sure to include the low power
antenna tuner KAT2, it's amazing what it will match. I would not get the
DSP option until you build and evaluate the basic K2 first. I do not
have it and doubt if it would be necessary. The basic filters in the K2
are that good. Configre the SSB filters for 2.2 kc. bandwidth.

Just my two cents worth of advise. Good luck.

Bob, VE3XM
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Re: (Elecraft) Newbie


Thanks for the input Bob. I think I will order it basically as you suggested including the KAT2 so that it can be used portable without having to swap out anything. I'll also add 160m. If the receiver's as good as everyone says, I don't think I'll need the DSP... I'll also pass on the audio filter since I have an aversion to them.

Since I only have a minibeam here, am height restricted to 35', and like to work DX and play in contests, I'll probably add the external amp after I get the K2 built and running.

Eventually I want to build a remote base DX station using the K2 and the solid state linear with a 4el SteppIR... but that's a ways off ;-)

Larry N8LP

----- Original Message -----
From: Robert C. Abell
To: Larry Phipps
Cc: [hidden email]
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2004 2:43 PM
Subject: (Elecraft) Newbie

Hi Larry,

May I recommend that if you add a linear amp. that you go for the
Elecraft KPA100 , it's a  very well engineered unit and positively works
beautifully with the K2. 100 wats is all you need, believe me. Put your
money into a good antenna.
I use a Cushcraft A3S Tribander @ 75 ft.for 20, 15, & 10 and a G5RV for
other bands (75, 40, & 17 mtrs.)
I have a Drake L-4B linear but haven't used it for years, it's just not

As for options I would get the KSB2, KAT100 and the  KNB2 (only if you
have a real noise problem). The KPA100 includes the RS-232 option. If
you opt to not add the KPA100 & KAT100 be sure to include the low power
antenna tuner KAT2, it's amazing what it will match. I would not get the
DSP option until you build and evaluate the basic K2 first. I do not
have it and doubt if it would be necessary. The basic filters in the K2
are that good. Configre the SSB filters for 2.2 kc. bandwidth.

Just my two cents worth of advise. Good luck.

Bob, VE3XM

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