Elecraft RCC - only 3 days left for FREE awards!

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Elecraft RCC - only 3 days left for FREE awards!

Larry Makoski W2LJ
Since the announcement of free Elecraft RCC (Ragchewer's Club) Awards
for Christmas, I have been happy to say that I have gotten a lot of
applications!  There are only three Days of Christmas left to take me up
on this FREE offer!  I want to see even more applications come through.

To make things easier, I will accept applications via e-mail!  E-mail me
about the details of a QSO that you have made with your KX1, K1, K2 or
K2/100 that has lasted longer than 1/2 hours and you are entitled to an
Elecraft Ragchewer's Award at no charge in honor of the Christmas
Season!  Please include the model and serial number of your Elecraft rig
and I will try to make special note on your certificate.  If you qualify
by having a QSO with another Elecrafter,  then BOTH of you will receive
certificates. How cool is that?

Remember that after 12:01 AM EST, on January 7th 2005, I will be going
back to charging the nominal $2.00 for award processing.  Put in your
application NOW and put that 2 bucks in your piggie bank to save for
that next Elecraft rig or accessory!

73 de Larry W2LJ
Your humble Elecraft Awards Admin. Guy

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