Regarding the RFI problem when running 100W.
I also had a bad RFI problem when running 100W. It would get into
the computer, TV and all the audio equipment in the house.
What I finally did to cure the problem was I ran 3/4 inch flexible
copper water pipe from the shack out 20 ft to the yard, where I laid
down a 50 ft length of 3ft wide galvanized fence. The 3/4 inch soft
copper flexible pipe provides a large surface area for the RF.
Then every 10 ft along the length of the fence I drove in a 3 ft
copper ground pipe and soldered it directly to the fence. So I
have 5 ground rods at different points along the fence as it lays on
the ground. Next spring the grass will grow over it and hide what
I have done.
Then in the basement ham shack I used a copper ground buss behind
the equipment and ran 3/4 copper braid to all equipment including
the computer.
This took me about a weeks worth or hard work. Now I run 200 Watts
without any RFI at all on any band. If I run a full legal limit
1.5kw there are a couple of bands where I get into the audio of the
HiFI set.
And that can be solved with some RFI filtering on audio amp and
speakers when I get around to it. Its a real treat to run the ham
rig without having anyone in the family getting upset :-)
-- frank W7is
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