Elecraft T1 ATU FAQ: #1 question & answer

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Elecraft T1 ATU FAQ: #1 question & answer

wayne burdick
Hi all,

The frequently-asked-questions page for our new T1 antenna tuner will
be up in a few hours. Meanwhile, by popular demand, here's the first Q,
and first A.


* * *

Q: How does the T1 compare to Elecraft’s other low-power ATUs – the
KAT2, KAT1, and KXAT1?

A: The T1 is intended for stand-alone use with QRP kits, home-built
rigs, and factory-assembled transceivers such as the Yaesu FT-817, Icom
IC-703, Ten-Tec Argonaut, and SG2020. It also includes coverage of 6
meters. In contrast, our other QRP ATUs are fully integrated with
specific Elecraft HF transceivers, providing internal installation,
instant ATU band switching, menu access to ATU information, and
additional features. For example, the KAT2 has dual antenna jacks,
per-antenna memories, direct readout of power or SWR on the K2’s LCD,
and extended matching range on the lowest bands. All three of our
internal ATU options also act as the SWR bridge/wattmeter for their
respective transceivers, which ensures good power-setting accuracy.



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