Hi all,
Someone just asked me if our new T1 ATU could be built into a Sierra.
The answer most definitely yes. In fact it would fit into just about
any 0.5 to 20-watt rig that I know of, including inside the battery
compartment of an FT-817. (I'm pretty sure it would even fit into an
SST :)
The PC board is just over 2 by 3 inches, and only about 3/4" (20 mm) of
height is needed to accommodate the PCB, switches, LEDs, and
connectors. In the case of a Sierra, you could aim the BNCs out the
back, and put holes for the switches and LEDs in the top cover.
An enterprising Sierra owner could even write some code for a small
microcontroller that would sense which of up to four band modules was
plugged in (using the two band-select lines at the edge connector).
This little MCU could then wake up the T1 and send it band data,
automatically recalling the appropriate L-C settings for each band
(without transmitting).
The T1's remote-control capabilities are covered extensively in the
owner's manual. They should be usable with other rigs as well.
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