Elecraft Table at Aurora (Colorado) Repeater Association, Feb 20, 2005

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Elecraft Table at Aurora (Colorado) Repeater Association, Feb 20, 2005

Augie "Gus" Hansen
To Elecraft owners in the Aurora/Denver area,

I have offered to set up and man an Elecraft table at the ARA Swapfest in
February. If any of you in the area are planning to attend, I could use a
little help. It would be especially helpful if you have a VHF or UHF
transverter to show off. I'm primarily an Hfer, and will be show the K2 (QRP
top) and a separate KPA100 and KAT100.

Please send me an email or call me (303-741-3729) if you can spare an hour
or two on Sunday, February 20, 2005 between 9am and 1pm.

Thanks in advance,
Gus Hansen / KB0YH

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