Elecraft W.A.S. # 37

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Elecraft W.A.S. # 37

Larry Makoski W2LJ
Congratulations of the heartiest type go to Sam Binkley, KL7V for
earning the Elecraft Worked All States Award #37 !!

Sam used his K2, sn 3158 to work each of the individual fifty states -
never a minor feat; but now even a little more difficult if you take
into account the declining solar cycle.

For those of you not familiar with the Elecraft Awards Program there are
three awards available for you to earn.  These are the Worked All States
Award, like KL7V just earned, the Century Award for having completed 100
QSOs with other Elecraft operators; and the Elecraft Ragchewer's Award.  
Details can be found at:

http://www.elecraft.com   and

Once again, congratulations Sam KL7V on your great achievement!  To the
rest of out there - get those ions in the aether humming!

73 de Larry W2LJ
Your most humble Elecraft Awards Administrator

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