Elecraft email List Official Guidelines

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Elecraft email List Official Guidelines

Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ

For those of you who are new to the list, (and for those of us who have
rapidly failing memories..), here is a quick list of things to remember when
posting to this list. Please save this for future reference.

The most important thing to remember is that this is only a hobby - Let's
have fun!

1. YOU MUST BE SUBSCRIBED to the [Elecraft] list TO POST to it. (This is
done to stop advertising spammers from hitting the list.) Any postings sent
to [hidden email] by addresses different from the exact ones it
shows as subscribers will be rejected.

This includes alias (forwarded) addresses like [hidden email]. If you use an
alias to subscribe you must have it as your from: and return address too.
Subscribing with [hidden email] from your physical address of
[hidden email] will allow you to receive postings, but your postings to
the list will be rejected if their from: and reply to: address does not
match your subscribe address..

Go to http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/elecraft to subscribe and to
change your list preferences. To unsubscribe or to change your list
preferences (digest, no mail on/off etc.), scroll to the bottom of the page
and log in with your subscribed email address and the password that was sent
to you by email when you subscribed (and monthly afterwards.)

You can also subscribe multiple addresses and set all of them except one to 'no
mail'. This will allow you to post from several alias email addresses.

2. If you want to provide an attachment, .JPG picture or other large
file for use on the list, first post it to your personal web
page and then post a link to its address in an email to the list. The list
strips all attachments to prevent viruses from propagating and to keep
the archives at a reasonable size.

3. Please keep the amount of copied text from previous posts to an
-ABSOLUTE MINIMUM- in your replies. Always delete -everything-  from the prior
post except what is necessary to keep your reply in context. Most copied
messages can be reduced to one or two sentences to retain context. Remember to
delete the email list footer from the previous post and especially avoid
copying a long posting and adding 'Me Too!' or something similar. As the
number of users on this list grows (over 1500 now) we need to work to minimize
information overload... If a reply is -not- of interest to the list, just
reply directly to the posting party.

4. If you are overloaded by the volume of individual messages on the list,
You can view the searchable daily Elecraft list messages for each day in web
format at: http://www.elecraft.com/elist.html . These archives are updated
hourly and list postings by subject. Just click on the ones you are interested
into read. You can also set your list email preferences to 'no mail' delivery,
which still allows you to post to the list when reading via the digest.

You can also change your subscription to the DIGEST version, which sends you a
single compilation each day.

To change your email list options or to subscribe / unsubscribe, go to:
Scroll to the bottom of the page to log into your preferences page and set
your mail options to 'no mail'.

5. ***Please keep all postings cordial.*** Restrain the urge to email someone
admonishing them about a posting. The last thing we want to do is to scare
anyone off the list. Overly aggressive postings and negative comments about
other posters only serves to scare away new potential list members.  Waiting
over night before hitting 'send' really helps to put things in perspective..
If you have a complaint about someone or a thread please email it directly
to me ( [hidden email] ) and I'll address it.

5a. Please do not post asking people to stop a particular thread, no matter
how long, off topic or repetitive it gets. Email me instead :*). I will step
in when I feel it is necessary to end a thread.

5a1. Please exercise restraint in posting when a thread is getting heavily
covered. 30 posts on one topic in a day (like the recurring CW thread) is
usually excessive.

5b. Please do not post any direct attacks or snide comments directed at a
list member. Enthusiastic arguments are encouraged, but please keep
everything cordial. Members who verbally attack another (either via the list
or via direct email) will be removed from the list.

As the 'official' list Cop, I'll jump in as necessary to keep everything
orderly. I do this off line and occasionally to the list when it is
appropriate. Our goal is to keep the Elecraft list a fun, informative
central clearing house for Elecraft information and enthusiasm.

6. Please DO POST your technical questions and comments to the list.
Elecraft owners are your best source for quick answers (and they NEVER
sleep!) If you don't get the answers you need from the list please email us
direct at [hidden email] , which is our customer service address. We
do try to watch the list traffic, but we may not respond to everything
immediately and may miss some postings sent to the list or our personal

7. Please post your experiences with your Elecraft kit, DX worked, crazy
ideas, product ideas, complaints (yes - we do want to hear them).

7. Commercial postings are allowed if they relate to Elecraft products, QRP,
QRO, homebrewing, building etc. and are of interest to this list's
membership. Please keep them as short as possible and provide web links to
more detailed information. I'll step in if we feel someone is posting too
many messages of this type.

8. *** IMPORTANT *** Personal attacks, flames, or strongly worded derogatory
messages will not be tolerated. (Pausing overnight before pressing the send key
really helps.. ;-)

9. Send parts requests direct to [hidden email], not to the list.

10. If you don't get an answer to a question from the list, or by checking
the list archives, don't forget to check the Builder's Resource Page at
http://www.elecraft.com and also our support email address: [hidden email]

11. And above all, HAVE FUN!. We hope that this list is both a good
technical resource and serves as a Elecraft community gathering place. We
enjoy reading it every day and it really helps us keep our energy level high
so we can continue getting exciting new kit projects out the door to you!

73, Eric  WA6HHQ
Elecraft List Admin.

Elecraft mailing list
Post to: [hidden email]
You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):

Help: http://mailman.qth.net/subscribers.htm
Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com