Hi elecrafters,
as of yesterday a new member of my elecraft family is
on the air. Joining my K2 #4309 I built a K1-4 #1985
with KAT1 and KBT1. Made the first contacts with 10m
of wire tossed into a bush this weekend. Worked G and
LA and some DL with K1 running on internal NiMH
2100mAh with 5W.
I again enjoyed the building time and it's almost sad
it's over.
I made two modifications as yet:
- I changed R4 and R5 on the FPB to 56k each so my RIT
is a real RIT now with abt. +/- 700Hz.
- And I bypassed the KBT1 protection diode so I am
able to charge the NiMHs inside the cabinet. Maybe
with open cover if charge current will be higher.
Thanks again to all who helped!
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