Elecraft n° 4681 alive and working!

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Elecraft n° 4681 alive and working!

Just a little thing before the chronicles...
I've never got involved in HF because there was almost no possibility of
build a serious rig (IMHO I think that buy a commercial radio and go to DX
haunt is not too much HAM RADIO).
Lurking on the Web I found Elecraft, read some stuff and got more and more
tempted... Then the Order was sent....
On February 4th the Package with all the stuff has arrived.
Yesterday night the rig became alive and working well inside the specs.
What can I say…  Great RX at the very least… Soon I will start with the
assembly of the the SSB board, then the noise blanker, the DSP board and at
last the 100 W amplifier.
BTW the manuals are very precise and no part is missing from the bags (Good
Job Cristine!). The construction is straight forward even for a newbie on
the HF bands as I am…. (But to be honest I've a certain exp. on SMD
soldering for microwave transverters so the parts appears to be very big and
easy to manage !!!)

So Keep building!

73 to all the reflector members de Giulio IW3HVB (Venice, Italy)

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R: Elecraft n° 4681 alive and working!

I0SKK - Alessandro Santucci
Ciao Giulio, benevenuto fra noi! Ora siamo quattro (I1BAY, I0CG, tu, io!),
ora possiamo giocare anche a tresette....hi!

Alex I0SKK

K2 #01146

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]]Per conto di IW3HVB
Inviato: giovedì 17 febbraio 2005 12.43
A: [hidden email]
Oggetto: [Elecraft] Elecraft n° 4681 alive and working!

Just a little thing before the chronicles...
I've never got involved in HF because there was almost no possibility of
build a serious rig (IMHO I think that buy a commercial radio and go to DX
haunt is not too much HAM RADIO).
Lurking on the Web I found Elecraft, read some stuff and got more and more
tempted... Then the Order was sent....
On February 4th the Package with all the stuff has arrived.
Yesterday night the rig became alive and working well inside the specs.
What can I say…  Great RX at the very least… Soon I will start with the
assembly of the the SSB board, then the noise blanker, the DSP board and at
last the 100 W amplifier.
BTW the manuals are very precise and no part is missing from the bags (Good
Job Cristine!). The construction is straight forward even for a newbie on
the HF bands as I am…. (But to be honest I've a certain exp. on SMD
soldering for microwave transverters so the parts appears to be very big and
easy to manage !!!)

So Keep building!

73 to all the reflector members de Giulio IW3HVB (Venice, Italy)

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Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com
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