We are pleased to announce that Elecraft is now offering the Buddipole
and Buddistick portable antennas from W3FF antennas. (These will replace
the Superantennas that we previously carried.)
I've only had time to add them to the Elecraft order form at
http://www.elecraft.com . I will be adding more accessories and a
complete description with pictures to our web page next week. For now
http://www.buddipole.com for details and pictures.
Starting at Pacificon this weekend we will also be offering a special
package deal when the Buddipole or Buddistick antenna is purchased at
the same time as a K1, K2 or KX1 .
$20 off on the combination of a Buddipole or Deluxe Buddipole Pkg. and a
K1, K2 or KX1 radio.
$10 off on the combination of a Buddistick Vertical or Buddistick Pkg.
and a K1, K2 or KX1 radio.
73, Eric WA6HHQ
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