Elecraft or Witchcraft???

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Elecraft or Witchcraft???

Hi all!

I´m right now getting near the end of my K1-project. Receiver works like
a dream, but I think I´m getting mad when I´m trying to get ANY power
out from the transmitter. The output meter shows P 0.1 and my WM-2
wattmeter shows 0.000 mW....

I started to suspect that something was wrong with some of the toroids
and I rewound and resoldered T4. Did the tranmitter alignment afain on
10 MHz, and BANG! There it was! 2 watts of output power. I tapped the
MSG button and pushed the two WPM buttons again to continue the
alignment. No problems att all. I felt satisfied when the WM-2 showed
roughly 2.2 watts of output and the the K1 display showed 2.5 watts.

That called for a celebration, so I tapped the MSG button again to abort
"Tune" and went out to make myself a well diserved cup of coffee. I was
out for about ten minutes and went back to the shack to continue with
the transmitter alignment on 7 MHz. I just wanted to make another check
on 10 MHz and I pushed the two WPM buttons again... K1 display showed P
0.1 and the WM-2 showed zero output.

Now, what´s going on here? Is the rig re-aligning itself when nobody is
looking at it or..?

Think I´m going insane here...

Hans / LA2MOA

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Re: Elecraft or Witchcraft???

Jim Younce
Sounds like you might have a bad hetrodyne crystal on 40 meters.  If you
have a general coverage receiver tune it to the oscillator frequency and see
if you hear a strong carrier when you move the antenna near the crystals on
the filter board.  If not you may have a bad crystal or a bad solder
connection on the relays that switch then in and out. Next look at the
solder connections on the filter board very closely.

Jim Younce K4ZM

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