Elecraft's philosophy of community input on, product design

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Elecraft's philosophy of community input on, product design

Yes, you HAVE succeeded using a difficult and unique business model that
accommodates and fulfills the experimental and developmental aspects of
ham radio.  Think about it ... to buy an Elecraft radio, especially in
the very early days, is to buy an essentially unfinished
work-in-progress undergoing constant development,  against the promise
that bugs, foibles and peccadilloes will be cured with future firmware,
and occasionally hardware, updates.   This realizes a major legal
purpose of ham radio:  the advancement of radio science.   Elecraft
owners are more than mere consumers;  they are an integral part of the
process.   While this is not my style,  it appeals to a large number of
operators willing to experiment and participate in product development,
serving as so many ersatz field test sites. Had performance lagged, or
had Elecraft failed to deliver promised features and improved
performance, the company would have been relegated to ham radio history
long ago. Personal accountability and accessibility while looking  the
customer directly in the eye is a significant factor in its success.
Selling both a process and a product is a bold, risky course. 
Fortunately, Elecraft has delivered the goods well enough, and often
enough, to earn its place in the race.

That is just MY take, of course ... your mileage may vary. K8JHR
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