Elk hair caddis & KX1

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Elk hair caddis & KX1

Dan Presley-2
Just had to share with you all some fun I had on Monday. I had a free
day, so I thought I'd combine my two favorite hobbies-fly fishing &
radio. In the fall the weather here in Oregon is perfect, and a good
time to fish as the tourists, rafters & schoolkids are gone :). I
went to the Deschutes river in central Or ( near Maupin, for those
who know). It's a world class fly fishing river, and the weather was
right at 75 F. So, I fished into the early evening with mixed results
(not much rising) and then threw up a wire in the trees along the
river to see if I could get some 'rises' on 20M for the Spartan
sprint. Here I am in my waders shooting a line in the tree with my
slingshot/reel combo, truly 'tree fishing'.The KX1 with the tuner
made quick work of a 25' long wire.The bands were hot, and I always
forget how noise-free it is away from civilization. So, I got some
nice catches on the bands under the stars, if not from the river. Got
a little chilly as night fell, but the radio did a great job, and
even tuned up the short wire on 40 after 20 died for some more
qsos.it doesn't get any better than this! I was thinking about
'wading mobile' this morning; I could use a graphite rod with a wire
line, and ground plane would be great as I'm in the water already.
Rig the KX1 to my vest...casting for the 'big ones' :) Hey
Eric-wouldn't that make a nice ad? :)
Dan Presley-N7CQR-Portland, Or QRP-L #502 ARS #71
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Re: Elk hair caddis & KX1

wayne burdick

On Oct 5, 2004, at 10:26 PM, Dan Presley wrote:

> Just had to share with you all some fun I had on Monday.....'wading
> mobile'....

Great story, Dan. If you have some photos, we could turn this into a
great article for the Elecraft web site  ;)




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