Enclosure for BL1?

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Enclosure for BL1?

Darrell Bellerive
I would like to mount a BL1 in a weatherproof enclosure in a permanent
location near the feedpoint of my antenna.

What type of case would be recommended? Should metal be used for shielding or
does it interfere with the balun? What material and size is best?


Darrell Bellerive
Amateur Radio Stations: VA7TO, VE7CLA
Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada
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RE: Enclosure for BL1?

Don Wilhelm-3

Either a plastic or metal enclosure would work just fine - no need for
shielding (a balun should be self shielding), and there should be little if
any effects from metal at a reasonable distance (1/2 inch or so) from the

If it were my choice, I would prefer plastic since it is easier to work for
most folks, and the terminals are self insulating.

Size the enclosure so that the balun will comfortably fit inside.


> -----Original Message-----
> I would like to mount a BL1 in a weatherproof enclosure in a permanent
> location near the feedpoint of my antenna.
> What type of case would be recommended? Should metal be used for
> shielding or
> does it interfere with the balun? What material and size is best?

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