Encoder shaft felt washer

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Encoder shaft felt washer

Jeremiah McCarthy
>>I personally am not a fan of the felt washer solution
in either the K2 or the K3. Not only for the reason you state, but it also
seems like it must wear out eventually or get rubbed down smooth so it doesn't
provide friction. It just seems "Mickey Mouse" as we used to say<<

I replaced my felt washer with a leather one because the felt one got damaged when it fell to the floor and got run over by the wheel of my chair...I don't think there is anything wrong with felt...In the 30's and 40's felt washers were common in radios and early TV's...Some early TV's did not have detent tuners, they had belt driven continuous tuners and felt washers were used to maintain friction so that the tuner shaft did not creep...Admittedly they were a very fine grade hard white felt that did not shed...

If the felt washer in the K-2 or K-3 wears to the extent that it no longer provides friction, we simply loosen the set screws and move the knob in closer...

Jerry, wa2dkg
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