Hi everyone,
I've had a nagging, erraatic K2 power output problem with K2 #1599 (KSB2, KNB2, KAT100, KAT2, RX Antenna option, KAF2, KIO2), for several months. I decided to pose this issue to all of you for your suggestions.
This rig runs barefooted all the time with Pout settings varied between 5 and 15 watts, depending on band conditions and the mode I'm running (98% CW). The Pout LEDs and the indicated Pout on the tuner output wattmeter are in very close agreement.
The KAT 100 also runs very well and readily switches between my two antennas (a vertical and a beam), tuning them both as expected without any problem. Tuned T-line input SWRs seldom exceed 1.0, except at the band edges, where 1.1 or 1.2 might occur.
The rig runs flawlessly 95% of the time, except for the fact that the Pout falls unpredictably to 1 watt or less occasionally in the middle of a QSO. The fix is easy: Stop the QSO momentarily, Retune the KAT100 (or the KAT2 before the KAT100 was added), and resume the QSO.
This K2 was completed in 2002, and I applied all A-to-B upgrades about one year ago. The erratic reduction in Pout started a year or so ago. It sometimes repeats the unexpected lowering of Pout after retuning. Other times it only occurs once or twice and is not seen again for a day or two.
Has anyone ever noticed this occasional bug on their rig?
Your suggestions are welcomed.
Steve Banks
K2 #1599
KX1 #00267
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