Well folks the first log from the Eurasian ECN is in the books. The
conditions were less than favorable for QRP activity. The All Asian DX CW
Contest was going strong and burying us in QRM. Well now to the
numbers.....or should I say number....
HA0HH Gyorgy 559 unable to copy rig info.....or power.
Maybe the 40m will be better unless it gets cancelled due to lack of
bandwidth. Well time to start listening for a gap to set up in on
40.......Hope to see more of you guys out next weekend on 14.045+/- Saturday
at 1600z.......
73 ditdit,
Al Kut, Iraq
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QRPARCI #11746 www.qrparci.org
Sometimes a little brain damage can help. (George Carlin)
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