Eurasia ECN 20/40 m

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Eurasia ECN 20/40 m

Robert Boerhorst
Did not here Dwayne, YI9RVT, at all on 20 m nor any other Elecraft users, a lot of QRM from AA contest.
Heard Dwayne on 40m, but very weak, abt. 329. Called several times in vain as did Sverre, LA3ZA. Freq. was clear, but no good propagation to the Middle-East. In the end had a solid contact with LA3ZA.
Thanks for organising Dwayne, we will try again next week.
I used 5 Wtts out into a horizontal loop, 4 x 10 mtrs at abt. 9 mtrs high.

Robert, PA0RBO
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