Eurasian ECN 20m and 40m

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Eurasian ECN 20m and 40m

Well the bands were not the best for working QRP last night. The QRN was
high and the QSB was deep and slow......managed to get a few checked in
though.....On 20m we got

OH9NB Ian 569 K2 #3963
G3PJT Bob 559 K2 #2642 he then took a few checkins I will get to them in a
DL2HRF Tom 419 Icom....had to go to QRO to get a sloppy contact because of
Heard SP9NSV? but unable to get all the info or confirm the call...maybe
next week.
TA4EB Izzet 549 but QSB prevented copy of other info.... and here is G3PJT's

YI9RVT Doc 579 K2
DL2HRF Tom 559 K1
OH9NB Ben? 599 K2
SP9NSV Kris 599 K2
OH4MFA/P Jukka K2
VE1RGB Gary 599 K2

And 40m was not nearly as good.....
G3PJT Bob 579? K2
LY2BNL was there but disappeared....
and Bob G3PJT was able to pick up.....
YI9RVT Doc 339 K2
DL2HRF Tom 579 K1
OH4MFA/P Jukka 599 K2
PA0RBO Rob 599 K2

I would like to thank Bob for pulling duty as NCS and helping to boost the
number of checkins......I would also like to congratulate Jukka OH4MFA on
getting his K2 built and on the air.....maybe next well Jukka.....I would
also like to thank all who gave it a try and hopefully conditions will be
better next week.....I would also like to say hello to Kris....Hopefully
conditions will be better next week.....maybe on 40m since I have you in the
log on 20m....Well everyone have a good weekend and see you next week
73 ditdit,

Al Kut, Iraq
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