Eurasian ECN

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Eurasian ECN

Hello Dwayne and Elecrafters,
Just read about the Eurasian ECN and find it a very good idea!
Thank you Dwayne!
Also thinking about the time/date of this event.
I suggest a different day and UTC.Due to the contests the bands
are totally crowded during the weekend with powerful stations.
But we need a clear frequency for our low power ,(low antenna)
About the UTC, when the net is starting I also think we could try
a little later, as 20m is longer open during summer here in Europe
and propagation will be better when it is getting dark especially
on 40m.
So my idea goes to 18.30...19Z for 20 metres and 20.00Z for 40mtrs.
73 de Tom, DL2HRF
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