Exciting news from N4PY Software

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Exciting news from N4PY Software

Parker Buckley
I recently downloaded N4PY/Carl's Pegasus control program which he's configured to work with the K2.  I asked him if he planned to incorporate controls for the KDSP2 in it.  Turns out he doesn't have DSP in his K2, so he asked me some pertinent questions.  Now, he's decided to go ahead and install a KDSP2 and begin programming to support it.  He plans to first develop the basic control functions, then perhaps code up  a SETTINGS menu to allow all the various parameters to be input from a PC.  I thought many of you might be interested in this development.  As the K2 adds more and more functions to the existing buttons, it seems to me that setting up the radio (including the clock!) from a PC would be extremely useful.  For the record, I have no financial interests in N4PY software.  I appreciate all the excellent choices we have for computer control of our rigs.  

Parker WD8JOL
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